最後のエントリー The last entry – 日本 Japan


As I am returning to my home country tomorrow, this is the final blog entry.
This last year has been a precious diamond to me.
I have had the opportunity to study a beautiful language, learn about many cultures, do many activities, meet many awesome people, and much much more!
I want to thank everyone for looking after me so well, from the bottom of my heart. I am truly moved.
And, I will return to Japan as soon as possible!
Please see some interesting food that I’ve eaten throughout the year.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Well then, see ya!

もう一回、陰陽座!陰陽座!!陰陽座!!!One more time, Onmyouza! Onmyouza!! Onmyouza!!! なんばハッチ Namba Hatch – 大阪 Osaka


“How about that!!!” “Let our souls burn!!!”
Once again, less than 6 months after the previous concert, I went to see my favourite heavy metal band in the world. Of course I would, right? I was joined by a friend. This time, it was standing and a full house, and also the set list was very interesting. There were lots of regularly played songs, and also really rarely played songs! I could feel the heating spirits of the band and the audience, so I completely lost myself in the moment!
Same as before, the songs, the performance, the lighting, it was all flawless. In total, they played for about 3 hours!
I will never be able to forget this day!
I’m really sorry that this time the pics were awful, and few.

通天閣 Tsuutenkaku – 大阪 Osaka

Tonight, my friend took me to several places in Tennouji and Shin Imamiya. We also went up Tsuutenkaku tower. There were some powerful lights, and you can see some famous spots in Osaka. The stairs, however, were very tiring….!!


色んな天王寺にあるお寺や神社 Various temples and shrines in Tennouji – 大阪 Osaka

I had an appointment with friends this afternoon, so before that, I did some sightseeing around Tennouji. I decided to see traditional places instead of the modern buildings this time.

あべのハルカス Abeno Harukas – 大阪 Osaka.


My friend recommended me to go to Abeno Harukas at night at some point, so tonight I did that. This building is, with the exception of Tokyo Skytree, the tallest skyscraper in Japan, so of course it had a great view!

梅田スカイビル Umeda Sky Building – 大阪 Osaka


I’ve been past Umeda Sky buildings many times, but until now, I’ve never really had the chance to go in, so this afternoon I went to the highest point of that building, the Sky Garden. Great view!

和太鼓の発表、もう一度 Wadaiko Presentation, One More Time – 京都 Kyoto


Yesterday I returned to Japan from Australia, and did a Wadaiko performance today. It was great, and everyone was on fire! It was tons of fun!1.jpg

万博記念公園 Expo Memorial Park – 吹田市 Suita City


It’s Sakura full bloom right now, so I went to the Expo Memorial Park in Suita City for Hanami. It was extremely beautiful, and the weather was great, so I had a nice day 🙂
I also watched the performance of the magic group “Sakura Gumi”.


船橋市の「ふなばしアンデルセン公園」 Funabashi city’s “Funabashi Andersen Park” – 千葉県 Chiba Prefecture.


It was raining today too, but I met with a friend, and we had a great day going to see Funabashi Anderson Park. The theme was a mix of a Danish-style and Japanese-style park. It was very interesting, and there were tons of beautiful flowers
Also, in the park, we saw a magic show, whereby the magician was extremely energetic!

銚子市の「地球の丸く見える丘展望館」Choshi City’s “Observatory On The Hill Where The Curvature Of the Earth Can Be Seen” – 千葉県 Chiba Prefecture.


Today, unfortunately the weather turned bad. Even so, I endured, and went to the observatory located on the hill, where you can see the curvature of the Earth. The place was really good. Also, later on, the weather became better, and naturally I had some spectactular views, so I was extremely happy.
No more words.

鹿嶋市の鹿島神宮 Kashima City’s Kashima Shrine – 茨城県 Ibaraki Prefecture


This afternoon as well, as part of a martial arts pilgrimage, after Katori Shrine, I went to feel the atmosphere of Kashima Shrine. It was interesting, and the nature was beautiful.
Also, when I saw the “Futsu-no-Mitama Sword” (223.5cm long), I was humbled. Unfortunately, taking photos was prohibited.

香取市の香取神宮 Katori City’s Katori Shrine – 千葉県 Chiba Prefecture


This morning, as part of a martial arts pilgrimage, I went to experience the atmosphere at Katori Shrine. I honestly think that it is one of the best shrines in Japan.
At the time, I spent a long time just gazing at it.

上野公園 Ueno Park – 東京 Tokyo


The last of my Day-In-Tokyo,  I went flower viewing in Ueno Park. There were tons of people, so walking slowly I was able to enjoy Tokyo leisurely, in contrast to Tokyo’s busy image.

浅草寺、浅草 Sensou Temple, Asakusa – 東京 Tokyo


9 years ago I went to Sensou Temple, but at the time, it was night time, and I only saw the temple thanks to the lights. This time, I was able to enjoy Cherry blossoms while seeing the temple during the morning.

横須賀市の「どぶ板通り」Yokosuka city’s “Dobuita Street” – 神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture.


I love a game called “Shenmue” released in 1999, so today I arrived at “Dobuita Street” which appeared in the game. I’ve never been there before in person, but even so I felt nostalgic! The atmosphere was great, and the weather was too!
One of my lifelong dreams was accomplished today!
And, coincidentally, I met two people who I recognised from the internet, so we ate lunch together and conversed about games and martial arts!


川崎市 Kawasaki City – 神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture.


Today, I went to Kawasaki city, and saw a few interesting places:
First was a game arcade called “Anata no warehouse”.  The theme of the place was 1980’s style Kowloon district of Hong Kong. The first floor was really scary, but above the first floor was interesting, and looks like the games were fun.
After that, I went to “Kawasaki More’s department” which has the world’s smallest escalator. 83.4cm high, and I think it takes 3 seconds from the bottom to the top.
Finally, though I went to see “Keihin Fushimi Inari shrine”, it was closed. But looking at it from the outside, it seemed to look like Kyoto’s Fushimi Inari’s younger brother.

大阪城と大阪城御座船 Osaka Castle and Osaka Castle Gozabune – 大阪 Osaka


Almost exactly one year ago, I visited the outside of Osaka castle (this blog has an entry). This time, the weather was great, so I took some new photos outside, and went inside the castle. I was really surprised, because the inside looked more like a modern museum than a castle!
After that, I rode on the Osaka Gozabune (Throne Boat), and filmed the castle from it.
Finally, I ate a Vanilla and Matcha ice cream with (about) the same colours as the castle.

大阪京阪水上バス、淀屋橋 Osaka Keihan Aqua Bus, Yodoyabashi – 大阪 Osaka


This morning, I rode on the the Aqua Bus from Yodoyabashi. I was able to relax in the aqua bus, seeing various areas.
As I wanted to see Osaka Castle, I got off at Osaka Castle Park.
Also, I ate an interesting black vanilla ice cream called “Tenshu Kaku” (Castle Tower).

大級の水族館、海遊館 Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan – 大阪市 Osaka


Today, I went to the Osaka Aquarium to see various sea life. It was great, and I ended up taking a lot of photos.
I was very surprised at the size of some of the sea beasts. Even though they were gigantor, I felt like became friends with said marine life.

日本語センターの最後の日 Last day at Nihongo Center – 京都 Kyoto


First of all, congratulations everyone, on our graduation!!
After the graduation ceremony, various students went to Kamogawa for nostalgia, and we had a picnic.
After that, we went to a bar, and played some card games, then made our way to a restaurant. We were joined by a couple of teachers. There, we ate delicious food, talked about a lot of topics, took a hell of a lot of photos, got drunk and did some “interesting” things, and overall had a lot of fun!
I won’t forget this day for as long as I live.

ライブハウス磔磔 Live House TakuTaku – 京都 Kyoto


Today I went to see my instructor’s band’s concert. As you can see from the photos, everyone really enjoyed themselves, and the performance was amazing! From the beginning, the energy was fantastic, but right until the end, the energy just kept getting better and better!

下鴨神社 Shimogamo Shrine - 京都 Kyoto


It snowed yesterday, and today is freezing. Even so, I’ve not been able to go sightseeing in a while, so I decided to go to Shimogamo Shrine.
Because of the snow, it was beautiful. However, because it became sunny, the snow started to melt quickly.

陰陽座!陰陽座!!陰陽座!!! Onmyouza! Onmyouza!! Onmyouza!!! NHK大阪ホール NHK Osaka Hall – 大阪 Osaka


Today we went to see the concert of”Onmyouza”, my favourite heavy metal band at the NHK Osaka Hall. It was a full house. Our seats were quite far back, but we could still feel the energy from the performers. They played the entire new “Karyou Binga” album, and also played some of their previous popular songs. The songs, the performance, the lighting, it was all flawless. They were playing non-stop for nearly 2 hrs and 30 minutes! I want to see them again! Does anyone want to see them next year? 😀

ウメダAKASO Umeda Akaso、「スギゾー」さんの「The Voyage Home」というコンサート Sugizo’s “The Voyage Home” Concert – 大阪 Osaka

今日、私たちは大阪で「スギゾー」さんのコンサートに行きました。すごく混雑していました。まず、皆さんは「スギゾー!スギゾー!」を呼びました。数分後、彼はバンドメンバーとステージに立って、演奏が始まりました。 たくさんの音楽ジャンルにミックスをしました。例えば、ロックやメタルやダンスや、びっくりに、クラシック。スギゾさんはギターとバイオリンを弾きました。ドラムも叩きました!とにかく、すごくたのしくて、エネルギーがいっぱい夜でした。 あいにく、演奏の時間に写真を撮ることはいけませんでした。

Today, we went to Sugizo’s concert in Osaka. It was very crowded. It started with the crowd calling out “SUGIZO! SUGIZO!” a lot. A few minutes later, he appeared on stage with the rest of the band, and the performance started. They blended many genres of music perfectly, including rock, metal, dance, and even classical. He played guitar, violin, and even drums! All in all, great energy and a very enjoyable night! Unfortunately, photography was prohibited during the performance.

お盆、銀閣寺のそば、大文字 Obon festival, near the Silver Pavilion, Daimon Mountain – 京都 Kyoto


Today I saw the Daimon Mountain bonfire. Because of the bad weather, I thought they couldn’t set the bonfire. But a few minutes later they did. I remembered my Grandfather during this time.

忍者の日 Ninja Day, 三重県 Mie Prefecture – 伊賀市 Iga City


Today I went to the Iga Ninja Museum in Iga city. No new information acquired unfortunately. As expected, it was a little commercial. But, was fun. The demo was good.
After that, I went in Iga Ueno Castle.


京都御所と下鴨神社 Kyoto Imperial Palace and Shimogamo Shrine – 葵祭 Aoi Matsuri (Hollyhock Festival) – 京都 Kyoto


I went to Aoi Festival today. It was extremely busy, so I left early. I wanted to see Yabusame, but did not see it because it was so crowded. Maybe next time.
Also, it was photographer’s hell!