川崎市 Kawasaki City – 神奈川県Kanagawa Prefecture.


Today, I went to Kawasaki city, and saw a few interesting places:
First was a game arcade called “Anata no warehouse”.  The theme of the place was 1980’s style Kowloon district of Hong Kong. The first floor was really scary, but above the first floor was interesting, and looks like the games were fun.
After that, I went to “Kawasaki More’s department” which has the world’s smallest escalator. 83.4cm high, and I think it takes 3 seconds from the bottom to the top.
Finally, though I went to see “Keihin Fushimi Inari shrine”, it was closed. But looking at it from the outside, it seemed to look like Kyoto’s Fushimi Inari’s younger brother.

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